Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/19/2024 - 9:30 AM
Type: Info
Subject: 2.1 Climate Project Presentation (Quest / Tri-Valley Youth Climate Action Project)
Attachment Summary PowerPoint, Climate Literacy Resolution, Climate Literacy Survey Data, Diablo LYCS Article
File Attachment:
Climate Literacy Resolution Board Talk 9-19-2024.pdf
Final Draft Climate Literacy Resolution 08092024.pdf
Climate Literacy Survey Data Summary.pdf
Diablo LYCS article copy.pdf
Quick Summary / Abstract: Student Members of Tri-Valley Youth Climate Action Project from Granada and Livermore High School, sponsored by Quest Science Center, will present a Climate Project to our Board of Education. This was presented to the Board during the 2023-2024 school year as they were kicking off this project. Students are seeking feedback from the Board on the viability of bringing the formal resolution to the Board of Education for formal approval.
Fiscal Impact
Superintendent's Recommendation:
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jennifer Arias - Executive Assistant - Senior Cabinet
Signed By:
Torie F. Gibson, Ed.D. - Superintendent